Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 276, November 25, Out of focus

Day 276, Out of focus, originally uploaded by Andrey Dorokhov.
Actually I was shooting her sister and Ksenia was just passing by and that's why she has got accidentally focused, but I think I like that shot. Decided not to delete it with only her twirl in a focus.

Вообще то я фотографировал ее сестру, а Ксюша проходила мимо и случайно попала в кадр, и так же и фокус получился случайным, на ее завитушке. Но мне как то теперь нравится этот снимок, и я решил его не удалять. :-)

1 comment:

  1. I think it's awesome. Sometimes we get caught up in perfection and miss the everyday "moments."
