Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 86, May 1, Airport

Day 86, Airport, originally uploaded by Andrey Dorokhov.

I have been in Domodedovo this morning, seeing my older daughter and mother in law. They are going to spend a week in Israel. Should be hot and sunny there! Then today my wife will take night flight to the same destination. She is having a business trip and after two working days in Tel-Aviv she will meet her mother and daughter in Netania. They will have fun there I think and I will have also lot's of fun here at home with younger daughter and dog :-)

Сегодня был в Домодедово, провожал тещу и старшую дочь. Они проведут неделю в Израиле. Там вроде солнечно и тепло сейчас! Следом сегодня, ночным рейсом туда улетает жена. У нее командировка, и после двух трудовых дней в Тель-Авиве, она встретится со своей мамой и дочерью в Нетании. Им будет я думаю весело, а мне тоже не скучно будет тут, с младшей дочерью и собакой :-)


  1. Impressive window at the airport, is it in Moscow? :)

  2. Thank you! Yes this is in Moscow, shot I did inside someday:
